Yard Work, Daffodils, the Cat and California Dutchman’s Pipe Flowers

Saturday February 11, 2017 Guerneville CA.

A nice sunny spring day

I was thinking about going kayaking today, but as I got it going and then went out in the yard to sit, I changed my mind. The river is at flood stage and flowing fast so I thought I better stay home and get some more yard work done.

Most of the brush is picked up

I picked up most of the brush in this spot, but still have a little left to dotrees


The Dutchman’s Pipes

I noticed the California Dutchman’s pipe flower’s are booming.flowers


They look a bit like pipes, thus the name. They are supposed to be native flowers from this area.dutch


Kitty Cat keeps me company

The cat came over and hung out with me most of the day.cat


This is my largest habitat pile of brush.brush


Lots of daffodils popping up

I worked on and off throughout the day taking breaks to rest up often and just to sit and enjoy the yard. I puttered here and I puttered there doing some more tree pruning and moving more brush to the piles in the yard.

More and more daffodils are blooming with the sun shining like it was.daf


I think these take the price for the most color so far.daffs


I got a lot done today so I’m almost ready for spring which seems to be coming on fast here right now. Another day or two and I should have what I need to do done. With the river high it’s a good time to get it done so I’ll keep at it so I can play later.

The cat and I hung out in the yard pretty  much all day, until the sun went done behind the mountains to my west and the day started to cool down.

That was my day.

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One Response to Yard Work, Daffodils, the Cat and California Dutchman’s Pipe Flowers

  1. Patsy Irene says:

    Sounds like a great day to work with the sun on your back but not too hot. Good idea not to kayak on fast moving waters, who knows where you’d end up!

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