Working on the old van

Need to make a post as I haven’t done anything on this in quite awhile and am having a hard time using this new mini computer. Can’s seem to hit the right keys. l

So, I have this new mini computer, which is fairly fast, so I can do HD videos on it. I mostly want to record wild life using HD quality cams. So, I’m just setting this mini up and am practicing writing. I’m planning to  leave on a trip to Arizona in a couple weeks which should put this to good use. So, typing with this seems to be a pain, hitting the right keys, but I guess, in time, I’ll get use to it,but right now I am hitting a lot of wrong keys. Yuck.

Oh, about working on the old van. I’ve took out all the cabinets I built on the wall and put carpet on the walls to stop all the condensation that happens on the steel walls. That should stop it, then, I had to put all  the cabinets back in. I modified a few of them, making them larger. I’m also adding a shelf across the back to hold gallon water bottles. There’s barely room for this shelf, had a hard time getting the propane bottle out, so had to cut the  bottom of the bottle off. It was also getting in the way of my  toes when I sleep, so I had to raise it up just a bit., Just a few more thing to adjust on the van and it should be about ready to go on a trip, which I plan to do  in about two weeks. Sure is hard hitting the right keys with this new mine, yuck again, but I’ll get used to it, maybe. :O)

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