Windy Day So I Did a Little Hike Up In the Big Trees

Monday November 21, 2016 Jenner CA.

The river’s muddied up a bit

The estuaries’ water was muddy this morning from the recent rains. The sun was out and so was the wind about ten miles an hour, but not too bad. I headed on up the river along here. With the wind up, there weren’t many other boaters which is always ok with me.upriver


I paddled on by these buffle head ducks which seemed to be feeding even though the water was muddy. Not sure what they feed on, maybe vegetation on the bottom.ducks


I slowly paddled on up the river going along here.up


One of the few places to put ashore

With the wind up, it seemed like a good day to go for a little hike, so I pulled in here at Eagle’s landing.boat


I  hung around the shoreline for a bit as it’s just a nice place to hang


I could see these cormorants resting on the gravel across the river from this spot.cors


Walked up into the big trees

Eventually I made my way up the hill at this spot into these big fir trees.treeview


I walked up the trail in the middle of this picture through the ferns. I didn’t go far. A place to sit down was found and that’s about as far as I got.treetrail


This was my view from my sit down spot up on the hill under the trees, looking across the river.view


Some cautious otters came by

While I was up there some river otters came by and I thought I might get some pics, but they saw my boat parked on the shoreline and dove under the water and went around me and were gone.

I hung around this area most of the afternoon before putting my boat back in the water and heading in which looked like this.  The sun was behind the hill, but it was still shining down river where I was headed.downriver


The wind was still blowing pretty good so I  just headed on in for the day, crossing over to the boat ramp here which is down on the right.jenner


I put the boat on the car and went on home for the day which was almost over, so I just took it easy for the rest of the day.

That was my day for another good one.

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