Trying To Stay Ahead Of the Blackberry Vines and the Chickens

Saturday November 21, 2020 Guerneville CA.

Putter day

After taking care of the chickens this morning I walked around the yard and did some chair hopping and decided I’d work on cutting blackberry vines out of the yard. The darn things grow worse than weeds. The berries are great but the thorns on the vines aren’t and the chickens don’t like them either. They don’t eat them and they avoid them.

Trimming vines

I got my pruners out and walked around the yard cutting here and there and resting my back a lot as pruning seemed to be hard on it for some reason.

This was the worse part I did today meaning it had the most vines to cut.patch


See lots of berry vines in there to cut.berryvines


Back hurts

Eventually my back said to quit that and take it easy for the rest of the day.

Grazing chickens

A couple hours before dark I let the chickens into the front yard to graze. They’ve been out in another part to graze all day but I only let them in this part late in the day so they don’t get into too much mischief, like pooing on the front porch. it also keeps them from over eating the area.

Here they are racing out to get the goodies first.grazling


I leave them out until it starts to get dark when they come in to the roost for the night. If the day is a little overcast they come in to roost a bit earlier.chickens


New rooster

Here’s the new Carmelo, he’s just maturing and will be the main rooster. I have several young roosters maturing and the others will be butchered when they start to crow too much. See that’s why it’s good to be the main rooster. I suppose there are some other perks too. :O)carmelo


That pretty much was my day doing a little work and sitting around the yard with my chickens.

Nice day.

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One Response to Trying To Stay Ahead Of the Blackberry Vines and the Chickens

  1. Nancy K says:

    Carmelo – you’re a handsome (and lucky) dude!! Just how do you get the chickens back in the coop? With grain? When we tried to round ours up, they all ended up on perches in the barn too high for us to reach.

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