The Pistle River was today’s target

I met Ralf and Susan around nine this morning and we headed down the road a ways to the Pistle River, in Oregon. Unfortunately, the tide was out and it was a long walk to the water from the parking lot, but we got the boats in and headed upstream. Unfortunately again, the water was moving fast downstream because of the low tide and paddling up the river was a bit of a chore. We got up stream a ways and decided it was enough and headed back down the river. On the way back we ran into this poor guy.


Water was coming up and was to his axels when the tow truck pulled him out. Just in time. It took him a long time to get the tow truck, so the owner was a bit frantic by the time he got the car out, but all was ok. We paddled down toward the mouth a bit, there was a wind surfer there, and the wind was strong, so we called it a day.


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