The Ocean is Real Rough as Ray and I Enjoy a Paddle and a Hike at Jenner

Wednesday February 24, 2016 Jenner CA.

Looking like a nice day

Ray’s truck was in the parking lot at Jenner this morning as I drove in, so I looked for him in his boat and saw him in the little channel on the upper end of the island. I put my boat in the water and headed on over that way to join him going across here, headed to the trees in the middle of the picture.island


It was a nice day. The sun was out and the wind was down. We could hear the ocean pounding on the sandy beaches and it sure sounded like the ocean was real rough today.

We headed on down to the lower end of Penny Island and pulled into this spot for a spell. Ray was telling me about something.ray


Eventually we moved on down towards the mouth area going past this


We went by this resting flock of cormorants.cormorants


High tide and the mouth is open

It was high tide and the ocean was real rough so there were some real nice looking waves coming in and breaking on the jetty rocks. This is looking out the open river’s mouth into the ocean.mouth2


Wild turkeys

Lots of waves were coming into the river through the mouth causing a lot of wave action in the river so we didn’t stay long and started heading back up the river going up the Penny Island back channel and on up to eagle’s landing were Ray said he saw some wild turkeys over by Paddy’s rock, so we crossed over to that side of the river to look for the turkeys.

We had seen the wild turkeys by some willow trees on the river’s edge, but when we paddled over by the trees we couldn’t see any turkeys. That’s because they were all hiding under the willow tree. Finally one of the turkeys moved and we spotted them. They finally came out the side so we could see them.turks


Ashore for a hike

Ray wanted to go to shore for a little walk so we paddled across the river to muskrat where there is a trail head up to a rock I call buzzard rock.

Buzzard rock is just over Ray’s head on the hillside, just up ahead.rock


We found a place to land and started up the trail. This place is loaded with poison oak, so much you cannot avoid it all. We are headed for that rock to the left.jenner


To get there, first we had to walk up the hill above it so we stopped at this nice spot for a break. I call it the break area.. Just sit on the green grass there, nice and it’s out of the poison oak too.breakarea


After a break, we made our way down the trail to just above the rock that looked like this.rock2


On top of Buzzard rock

We enjoyed the view from the rock.river


We could see the wild turkeys down across the river from us.turks2


After a good break on the rock we headed on back on the trail. Here’s Ray as he approaches the spot were we pulled our boats into shore. A place I all muskrat as there are a bunch of muskrat nests


We got back in the water and headed on down the river at a leisurely pace headed for the boat ramp.river2


We made it to the ramp and took our boats out and went on home for the day

At home I puttered around the yard mostly. I did have a look at  why my car’s heater blower fan quit this morning. But I wasn’t into it and I only looked half heartedly so I didn’t discover anything on that one yet.

That was my day for a nice one.

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