Studying Yamaha G19E Electrics While Waiting Out the Storm

Saturday March 5, 2016 Guerneville CA.

No kayaking today

There was a big rain storm coming into the area today. The wind was supposed to be up too, so I decided to not kayak for the day.

Once I got it going I drove down the road to visit Ray to make some plans. We shot the bull and made a plan to go for a walk hopefully in the rain, next week. His wife showed up from shopping so we shot some more bull.

Golf cart repair

I went on home and the broken golf cart was there to greet me. I have to admit I have no idea why it won’t work or what to do about it. So I have to figure it out.

So I brought the electrical drawing of all the cart’s wiring up on my computer and studied it for quite some time making heads and  tails out of it. The key is that controller socket in the middle of the drawing. Understand that and things might get fixed.g19e


Powers out

As I write this at about seven PM, the power is off and it’s pouring cats and dogs and maybe some other animals right now. I’m using my laptop to write this post and will publish it when the power comes back on.

Afternoon rains

It was raining hard just before dark too so I took a couple pictures.

The water is pouring off the roof in my front yard.rain


And in my back yard where a peach tree is trying to bloom. Our new raspberry patch area is getting a bit wet there too.peachtree


Making copies

Anyway, let it rain. I don’t have a printer and I needed a copy of the electrical stuff to take out to the cart with me as my memory isn’t what it used to be. I got some paper and just got it all copied when the power went off, so I ate my dinner I had been cooking on the grill.

The key

Copying this helped me understand what was going on. The key was understanding the control board socket as everything can be trouble shot from it’s pins.

Here’s the overall drawing I made. Not quite as good as the original, but good enough.drawubg


And here’s the one I made just of the controller socket with everything labeled for trouble shooting. Now I can just measure the pins at the socket and check most things out on the cart to maybe find the problem.socket


Black out

Just as I completed taking pictures of these, about six thirty, the power suddenly went out, likely because of the winds as I  mentioned before.

I got my oil lamp out and lite it up and fired this laptop up after eating dinner. Its still raining fairly hard and there have been no sign of any power coming back on. Of course this  means my fuel oil stove has no power and won’t work, so I now need to fire up my wood stove which I’m off to do now.

That was my day.

Update 9::00 PM

My brother Tom comes to the door about nine PM with his flash light and asks if I know what’s going on and I say no. I’m sitting there by my lamp.  He just got home and had to come through my yard as he couldn’t get through his gate.

He says his gate’s on the ground and power lines are down everywhere around his gate. Apparently the big virgin redwood tree by his gate got some limbs or a limb blown off it around six thirty this evening as the storm picked up.

Now these big redwood tree limbs are nothing to snivel at. Some limbs are bigger than most peoples trees. So when one breaks loose, it may take more limbs or more trees out on the way down.

It’s still raining, but if it let’s up, I may go over and have a look. Power is still out and it sounds like it may be out for a bit.

Nice storm.

Update 9:30 PM

I could hear the power guys trucks out on the road, so I got a coat and a rain jacket on and went out to see what was going on at my brothers house across the creek from my house.

I was sitting by my dead computer by this lamp listening to it rain.lamp


I ran into a down power line wire just in front of  my brothers truck. I knew it was not hot as a guy was working on it just across the street, but I carefully walked around it. Not a good thought getting fried by one of those.wire


It’s hard to see, but here’s my brothers gate laying on the ground with a bunch of  big redwood limbs across it and some more wires too.gate


The guy was busy working so no one told me to get lost so I shot some photos with my point and shot water proof camera.pge


I got a lot of these kinds of shots trying to get a good one.lights


But I persisted and got a fairly good one of the guy working up there. All of the wooden cross braces were broken in half.lift


Another guy showed up and I asked him how long it’d be thinking it would be tomorrow some time. But he said a couple hours as there’s a couple more trucks coming. I noticed the phone line is down though, so no internet.

Lots of lights flashing lights


I went by my brother’s and stepped in what I thought was a shallow puddle, but it was six inches deep, so I got my slippers real wet.

That’s it fi n0w.

Published from Ray’s house as I don’t have any phone line for internet.

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3 Responses to Studying Yamaha G19E Electrics While Waiting Out the Storm

  1. Bob says:

    ok, I’ll check that out. Although they were good before the controller box burned up, which he had rebuilt.

  2. Mister Ed says:

    Before you go tearing into it big time disconnect all your batteries and tested for one dead battery that’s what happens to mine

  3. dangurney51 says:

    You got some stormy weather out there in Guerneville. It was stormy here in Sebastopol, too, but no down power lines. Stay safe. The Laguna de Santa Rosa is filling up nicely, so I may go out on that when we have some nice weather.

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