Some Kayaking and Engine Parts on the Brain

Tuesday, Wednesday July 5, 6, 2016 Jenner CA.

I didn’t get around to doing a blog yesterday as I’ve been busy figuring out what I need in an engine for my van and all the parts to go with it.

Yesterday, Tuesday

But I did go down to Jenner to kayak for the day, yesterday. I headed on down to the mouth area to check out the closed river’s mouth. The mouth is closed sorta. I say sorta because it’s closed to water going into the ocean, but it’s still open to high tides coming over the sand which lets the ocean water into the river with all it’s nutrients, but doesn’t let it out again. It works like a one way valve, letting ocean water in, but no water out.

River’s mouth is sorta closed

The is the closed river’s mouth, just to the left of the harbor seals. The sand isn’t very high yet so high tide ocean water can still get over it.mouth


I continued on past the mouth and went down by Haystack rock here and sat for a good while watching things looking back up the river.haystackrock


I enjoy this spot

Eventually I paddled back up to the top end of Penny Island and sat around here for awhile enjoying the


I paddled by this mallard momma duck with her little ones as I headed on in for the day.ducks


I went on home and researched more engine stuff on the computer for the rest of the evening.


Shopping and research

Today I decided to drive over to Santa Rosa to do some shopping and look into some engine stuff. I stopped at a couple auto parts stores and looked around pricing things.

Then I went to Costco for some shopping and then drove over to the muffler place to ask some questions and get a rough quote on what it will cost to put a V8 exhaust on the van. About 500 bucks, ok, things are what they are.

Did some visiting too

Next I drove over to Marty and Patti’s to talk about v8 engines in vans as Marty knows more about it than I do. We had a nice visit and from there I drove to Steve’s house which was on the way home and  borrowed his engine lift bar that hooks onto the cherry picker lift that is used to lift engines We shoot the bull for a bit, then I went on home.

Fixed the tractor fuel leak

I had purchased a brass fuel line shut off valve while in Santa Rosa for my brother’s old Ford Tractor to stop it from leaking fuel when not in use. Since fuel was leaking I decided to fix that. I just had to cut the steel fuel line and install the valve so it wasn’t too hard. I think it did the trick. I’ll keep an eye on it and see.

I’m going to have engine parts on the brain until I get all the stuff ordered. I’m close to doing that.

That was pretty much my day.

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