Planning Trips For the Year With Marty

Tuesday March 7’ 2023 Guerneville CA.

Chilly day

The showers let up but it was cloudy and a bit chilly out there.

Trip planning

My friend Marty came by to visit and discuss some future trips we needed to plan.

So we sat around shooting the bull, discussing  my mechanicing projects and when and were we might want to go on some trips this year.

We came to some conclusions on the trips, but they can be changed as we go. One of the things we figure is with all the weather this year we don’t want to go too early with snow in the mountains and the creeks and rivers might be too high to cross.

We didn’t try to solve all the world’s problems, because at are age ,we know better. :O)

Marty took off for home around 4 and I did some chair hopping with the chickens watching the clouds come in and the day getting chillier.

Some rain drops started to fall from the sky, so I headed for the house before it let loose.

Nice day.

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2 Responses to Planning Trips For the Year With Marty

  1. Patsy Irene says:

    I agree with Judith, trips are always fun from the planning stages onward!

  2. Judith says:

    Glad you are planning a trip. Always fun to think about. As for the rain, oh I am so envious.

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