Peach Tree, Dentist and a Late Day Kayak at Jenner

Tuesday February 2, 2016 Jenner CA.

Let’s start with the peach tree

I started out the day by pruning this peach tree in my backyard. I was killing time as I had a dentist appointment to check out a tooth that went bad the other day at one PM.peachtree


And let’s get the dentist done

I was at the Dentist’s office in Forestville just before one. I was pretty sure it was going to be a root cannel and it was, so tomorrow I get that done around noon.

Now we can play

Not to waste the day, I headed for Jenner right after I got out of the dentist office and crossed over the street to get some antibiotics from the pharmacy.

I arrived just after two PM to what looked like a fairly nice day. A bit overcast, but the wind was down.

I crossed over to Penny Island and decided to head up river as I’d come back down to the mouth area near sunset.

I’m crossing over to Penny Island, headed up the river.river


I pulled in at the redwood log graveyard and sat for a good while and watched.log


I watched a lone otter go by and head across the river in front of me.otter


I could see the bovines grazing on the grasses on the green ridge in front of me across the river. The hills have greened up nice from all the rain.grass


More river otters

Eventually, I continued on up the river where I ran into these three river otters at Eagle’s landing on the big rock there.otters


They watched me as I approached.otters2


They eventually swam off up river and moved into the brush, so I passed them and pulled into this spot, looking back waiting for them to finish their nap in the


Sea lion got a bit close

I waited about a half hour, but they didn’t come out, so I crossed over the river near Paddy’s rock and was sitting watching things when this sea lion stirs up the water in front of me, hunting big fish I think. I’m not sure what that red patch is on it’s side, maybe a cut. I can’t make it out?sealion


The sea lion didn’t seem to be successful and moved off and kept hunting out in the middle of the river as I watched.

Eventually, I started back down the river as the sun went behind the hill to my southwest.

I went by these two guys.heron


And this great blue heron landing in front of me.heron2


As the sun sank in the west, I headed down river, which is west, to try and get some of that last setting sun.

I went past these birds fishing by the upper end of Penny Island.birds


I paddled down along the north shoreline of Penny Island headed towards the ocean which looked like this.river4


Open river’s mouth

It looked like there were too many clouds to let enough sun through to make a nice sunset as I approached the mouth area.mouth2


The mouth was wide open and going to high tide. I sat in front of it and watched things.

Eagle shows up

As  I was watching, a bald headed eagle landed close by and then a couple turkey vultures landed too.

The sun was going down so I was losing the light. The eagle is eating something it found on the sand, while the turkey vulture waits.eagle


I headed back towards the boat ramp and put my boat on the car and went on home for the day and that was my day.

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