Paying My Respects and Some Water Line Work

Wednesday April 15, 2020 Guerneville CA.

Paying my respects late

I jumped on the quad today and rode up to here and parked as I needed to do something I forgot on Easter, a few days ago.quad


I forgot to stop and pay  my respects to my Mom and Dad and Brother who are resting under these trees.trees


The cross

The cross on the big redwood tree marks the spot. This is likely where I’ll end up someday, but no rush.cross


Working on the water line trail

After that I rode on up to our water tanks and parked near them as I wanted to do some work on my water pipe trail that feeds the tanks water from our springs.tanks


I worked a couple hours on the trail through here. It looked like this before I started and is a little better now, but I didn’t get a picture of things after I worked on it.pipe


Hard work

Of course I worked on it harder and longer than I’d planned but that’s the way thing seem to go to get things done.

I’m on the pipe trail and headed back down to my quad runner down on the road.quad2


I rode on home after that and was tired out so not much else got done but some chair hopping.

Looking for the tractor part

I also spent some time looking for my tractor part online. I found some parts but because of the virus thing shipping had moved out a mouth or two from Amazon so I think I’ll try getting the part from my John Deere dealer, but I didn’t get around to calling them yet.

Another nice day working in the forest. Blue sky and sun all day, nice.

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2 Responses to Paying My Respects and Some Water Line Work

  1. DAVID EVANS..upriver... says:

    I bet your passed family heard you……Time is probably not a big issue for them now.+

  2. Patsy Irene says:

    Looks like a nice sunny day to get some of the trails cleaned up.

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