Painting Motorcycle Carrier Parts and Prepping the Van For a Trip

Tuesday January 30, 2018 Guerneville CA.


Getting things together

The sun came out today which was nice. My job was to check the van’s engine fluids and pack the van with the stuff I think I’ll need in Oregon.

I did that most of the day. I also had to put my boat on the top of the van and pack all the gear that goes with that which I did.

I’ve almost got the food I want in there, but not quite, some goes tomorrow for the refrigerated stuff.

Decided to do some painting

Once the sun was up enough to warm it up a bit, I got the primer paint out and painted all my motorcycle carrier parts. In order for the parts to be warm enough, I warmed them up in the house and took one piece at a time outside to paint.

It’s not really warm enough outside to dry the paint well, so I hung all the pieces from a beam in my


I’m almost packed, just some food and check the air pressure in the tires.

Almost forgot the poke poles

I just remembered I need to go out and cut two long bamboo poles for poke poling. So I went out and got two long ones cut and trimmed and on the top of the van tied down. Maybe we can get some ocean fishing in. I’m not planning to buy a fishing license but the other guys have them.

I just barely got that done as it was getting dark.

I have the rest of the evening to think about this and hopefully get everything I need in there.

Traveling North

Tomorrows a travel day so I might not get another post together until the next day when I should have internet in Port Orford, Oregon.

That was my day.

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One Response to Painting Motorcycle Carrier Parts and Prepping the Van For a Trip

  1. Patsy Irene says:

    safe travels, Bob. Glad you got your motorcyle carrier done. Anxious to see the set up on your van.

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