Paddling Around Jenner at the River’s Mouth and Putting Stuff Away for Some Rain

Monday September 11, 2017 Jenner CA.

Low wind means good

The wind was down as I pulled into Jenner this morning for a yak. I put the boat in the water and paddled across the river to Penny Island. I wasn’t sure which way I wanted to go, but finally settled on down river towards the river’s mouth area.

Here’s what the river looked like as I started down along the island’s shoreline.river1


These merganser ducks whizzed by me fishing away.merganser2


I saw these white pelicans preening on the lower end of Penny Island as I paddled by.pels3


Lots of birds

I crossed over the river towards the mouth and could see lots of birds down that way.birds7


I paddled on by most of the birds.

There where lots of brown pelicans and seagulls, terns and cormorants.pels5


Birds were everywhere.pels6


River’s mouth is open

I paddled on past the birds and into the river’s mouth area. It was high tide and the mouth appeared to be open as ocean water was coming in. I could see some harbor seals by the sand.mouth


Harbor seals resting on the beach. That’s foam flouting there that came in from the ocean from high tide.seals9


Mouth area

Here I’m looking across the river out where the ocean is pounding in. The mouth has a channel cut into the sand but it can’t be sees in this photo.ocean10


I hung around the mouth area for about an hour, then worked my way back across all those birds.pels12


John’s not home

I stopped by John’s house but he wasn’t there . While I was there this osprey landed in the tree above his house and squealed a lot.osprey14


As I worked my way back across the river towards Penny Island there where a bunch of brown pelican’s on the water and some where still flying in and landing as I watched.pel13


Upper end of the island

I worked my way up to the upper end of Penny island where I sat for a bit here.ramp


After a bit, I headed on in to the boat ramp and put the boat on the car and went on home for the day.

It’s going to rain

At home I puttered around most of the day. It’s supposed to rain sometime tonight and tomorrow so I spent some time putting things away out of the rain.

I put the van in the carport as I still have the gutter unfixed and it wasn’t a good day to work on it.

That was my day.

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2 Responses to Paddling Around Jenner at the River’s Mouth and Putting Stuff Away for Some Rain

  1. David Kalb says:

    Thanks Bob. Always like reading about your Jenner travels.
    Beautiful photos!!

  2. Patsy Irene says:

    Good day to yak and a good day to putter too. Love the osprey in the tree.

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