Nice Clouds and I Try Taking the Quad Runner Up the Old Trail

Saturday February 25, 2023 Guerneville CA.


There were some nice clouds this morning when I got it going. It looked like it might be a dry day.sky1


I let the chickens into the front yard early today.chickens2


Forest work

Today, I wanted to see if I could ride the quad runner up the old trail I was working on. I wasn’t sure the trail was wide enough. The best way to find out was to give it a try.quad3


In some places the trail was just barely wide enough for me to get by.

I rode on up a bit further to a spot near the middle, just above here.trail4


I was hoping I could turn the quad runner around as I knew the trail was too narrow up further. The turn around spot was tight and I barely got turned around.

I started work here in this spot where I widened the trail out about six inches just in front of the tools.tools5


Then I walked back down the trail and widened out about 8 or 10 spots that were tight for the quad runner on the way up.

Around 4, I headed on back down the hill as I’d gotten enough exercise for one day.

I did stop on this trail to trim some low hanging branches.traial6



I did some chair hopping when I got home. Most of the plum trees are starting to bloom.yard7



One of the nice things about daffs is they bloom for a long time. They are also one of the few flowers that don’t take any care at all.daffodiils9


The sky darkened up but it didn’t rain.clouds8

Nice day.

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One Response to Nice Clouds and I Try Taking the Quad Runner Up the Old Trail

  1. Nancy K says:

    Wow … your daffodils definitely think it’s spring time. I used to have a Honda 90 trail bike … LOVED riding the trails in the mountains. Luckily I didn’t have to make any of them wider!! That’s hard work!!

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