New Freezer and Marty and I Take a Side By Side Ride

Thursday September 2, 2021 Guerneville CA.

Freezer delivery day

I’d said I wanted an afternoon delivery on  my new freezer so what do they do but say it will be delivered anytime between 7 and  11 and said they’d call a half hour before getting to my place.

So at about 10:30 they pulled in to my driveway after calling.

I took all the meat out of the old one while they unboxed the new freezer.freezer


They are taking the old freezer away which is on the left and he’s working on the new one. I was a bit surprised just how big the new one was, maybe a bit larger than I needed. That’s what happens when there are no floor models to look at when I ordered this one.moving


They used these slings to move it on into the house and it barely fit through the


The crack

The guy is adjusting the casters. Note the crack which I always kidded is the sign of a true professional worker.crack


They got it installed and loaded the old one and were gone.  I plugged the new freezer in and loaded the meat in it. It seems to be cooling down nicely.

Marty shows up for a visit

I had a little nap after that and then went out and did some chair hopping and enjoying the morning until Marty showed up in his old van.marty


Trip planning

We had some planning to do for a trip we are planning to do to Oregon soon so we discussed that and then we walked around the yard sampling strawberries and raspberries and mulberries.

Then I suggested we put some chairs in my brother’s side by side and ride up into the hills for a ride.

Loading up the chairs.sideby


The side by side went along nicely although it was a bit noisy.

Checking a small spring

We stopped at this small spring to make sure it was working as it should. It’s output is down to about a half gallon a minute, about a quarter of what it was earlier in the year.spring


Break time

Then we cruised around some roads and ended up at the Guerneville overlook were we pulled the chairs out and sat down and enjoyed the day shooting the bull.lookout


Eventually we loaded up and took a different route back down the hill where Marty went on home.

Time for another nap.

The roost

Just before dark I went out to shut the chickens up for the night and was pleased to see all the young chickens are finally all going to the roost instead of sleeping on the ground.chicks

Nice day.

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One Response to New Freezer and Marty and I Take a Side By Side Ride

  1. Nancy K says:

    Good chickens ……… and boy did they get big fast!
    Nice freezer. I’ve found that I can always fill one up, no matter what size it is. Nice they got it installed for you.

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