Making Our Way To the Duck Valley Indian Reservation and No One Is Home

Wednesday October 12, 2022 Owyhee ID.

We woke here this morning. We moved our camp about a hundred yards last night to this more cozy spot where we had a good night.camp1


Coffee and some pan fried bread.stove2


The wind hadn’t come up yet so the water was real flat in the Bruneau river.river3


We took it easy getting it going as we thought we’d have a short travel day, about an hour and a half drive.

Cell phone service

On the way out I was looking for some cell phone coverage so would stop every once in awhile to check it out. I was hopping to get some coverage before I got to the town of Bruneau as I wanted to take another road out that started behind us.

I finally got the cell phone to work after this stop and posted my blog.cell4


After that, we turned around on the road and  headed out this road that was pretty good.road5


Follow the GPS

Until my GPS said to take the road below. I stopped for a second to think about turning off the road I was on and taking the GPS’s recommendation. What the heck, we’ve already been over some rough roads so I took it.

We had to stop here to open the gate to get through. The gate is to keep cows where they are supposed to be.gate6


The road was going along OK, with a few rough spots in it.road7


Tipping over spot

But when we got to this spot we had to stop and check it out.The main road on the left was washed out, so this was a way around it, but the right side dropped off and the left side was a couple feet higher for the tire and it looked like we might tip over so we checked it out.road8


The right tire track was about two feet higher than the left track. I came across and turned down the hill to the left off the high track and made it ok and now it was Marty’s turn. We made it ok and continued on our way.trail9


Here comes Marty, catching up with me.van10


We went by some interesting rock formations here.rocks11


Main road

We finally came out back to the main paved road by this ranch.farm12


Taking the GPS way added another hour to our travel time, but it was an interesting way to go.

We were now on highway 51 headed to the Indian reservation. We went by about six of these tractors mowing brush along the roadside for fire breaks.mower13


Here we are on the outskirts of the Duck Valley Indian Reservation.owyee14


Gassed up

We drove to the tribal store and gassed up and got some bananas.

Only two little doggies home

Then we drove over to  my friend Joe’s place. But, there was no one home except for two little doggies.

Find a camp spot

We decided to wait around awhile to see if anyone would show up. After awhile we decided to go find a camp spot for the night and come back tomorrow.

Found one

So we drove south down the highway and found a small dirt road that led down to the river where we found a nice spot for the night.

Nice day.

We caught up with my Indian friend, well, his son actually which was good as the stuff I gave him was his heritage anyway.

I’m trying to  post at the tribal store but no luck, will try anther soource. Going out to the boonies so you won’t hear from me for a few days, likely.

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2 Responses to Making Our Way To the Duck Valley Indian Reservation and No One Is Home

  1. Nancy K says:

    I looked up the reservation, so now I know where you are. I laughed cuz when the map came up, there was nothing there. You’re heading towards one of my favorite places.

  2. Judith says:

    Thanks for going to the trouble to post. I am loving this trip. Reminds me of years ago when my husband and I used to travel in a van – no “amenities” kind of trip and go by the seat of your pants. Or something.

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