I Take Ulrich Out For His First Paddle At Monte Rio CA.

Tuesday March 23, 2021 Monte Rio CA.

Paddle day

A couple of weeks ago I told Ulrich I’d take him out and show him how to paddle a kayak.

So today he came over to my place around noon and we headed down to Jenner to paddle, but.

Jenner overlook

He’d never been down to the Jenner overlook at the river’s mouth so we drove down there first so he could have a look where we were going to paddle today.

The overlook, looking south with the river on the left and the ocean on the right.south


Looking north at the end of the river and on out into the Pacific ocean.ocean2


Harbor seals

And the open river’s mouth with harbor seals.seals3


Jenner boat ramp

We had a look then drove on back to the Jenner boat ramp to launch, but.

At the boat ramp we could see it was a bit windy and there was a rig on in the middle of the boat ramp and the people looked like they were going to be there awhile blocking the ramp so.

Too windy so back to Monte Rio

I said let’s go back to Monte Rio to paddle where there was little wind and we wouldn’t have to deal with the jerks blocking the boat ramp.

Teaching Ulrich the ropes

So we drove back to Monte Rio and put our boats in the water. I gave Ulrich some good pointers on how to get in and out of his boat and how to paddle a kayak before getting into our boats.

He was paying attention and did a good job paddling as we got in our boats and headed down the river at a slow pace taking our time and shooting the bull as we went.

Villa Grande Hole

The Villa Grande Hole was just up ahead about a mile down the river from the boat ramp.river4


Osprey nest

There’s an osprey nest at the Villa Grande Hole.nest5


And there was an osprey in the nest.osprey6


I was teaching Ulrich how to go slow taking one’s time and enjoying the river as we sat around the Villa Grande Hole for awhile.villahole7


Paddling back up the river with ease

After some time we went about another half mile down the river before turning around and starting back up the river where I taught Ulrich how to paddle back up the river along it’s edges taking our time and letting the river push us back up the river. There’s technique to going back up the river along it’s edges. He paid attention and was doing well and enjoying the paddle amazed on how easy one could paddle back up the river if you know how.ulrich8


Here we are just below Monte Rio headed back up the river.river9


We went by these merganser ducks, a male and two females. They didn’t fly off as we pasted on by.mergnsers10


Monte Rio bridge

Here we are just below the Monte Rio bridge around six PM and now headed over to the boat ramp to take the boats out of the water.ulrich11


Headed to the boat ramp to take out for the day.ramp12


Because Ulrich paid good attention to what I had to teach him he had a real good paddle and really enjoyed it.

Ulrich at the boat ramp as we took out the boats.boatramp


The days eggs

We  drove on back to my house where Ulrich took off for his home and I went out to collect today’s eggs that my girls laid today.eggs


The day was about over by now so I went on in.

Nice day.

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2 Responses to I Take Ulrich Out For His First Paddle At Monte Rio CA.

  1. Sam Trimble says:

    What kind of Kayak do you use? Sam

  2. Nancy K says:

    If I ever get a kayak, I’m coming up for lessons!! I’ve always wondered how you got back UP the river once you paddled down without walking clear back to the truck. Your girls are producing nicely!!

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