I Decided to Paddle Monte Rio Today Down to Rein’s Beach

Saturday August 29, 2015 Monte Rio CA.

Ray came by first thing this morning and I shot the bull with him for awhile catching up on things. After that, I decided to go down to Monte Rio to kayak as I haven’t been to the Monte Rio area for awhile and it’s always a nice paddle. Today, I decided to head on down the river a ways, maybe to Rein’s beach, also known as the Moscow hole.

I put in at the boat ramp at Monte Rio around noon and headed on down the river taking it easy. I spied a cormorant diving close by so watched it for a bit. I saw it come up with a crawfish and eat it, but didn’t get a pic of that.

Here’s the bird just coming up  from a dive.cormorant


I continued on down the river stopping to talk with a guy and his wife I know sitting at their dock. Just past them, this great blue heron sat and watched me go by.heron


I stopped in these weeds for a wee break, then continued on.russianriver


to this spot where I was sitting when this green heron flies in and lands in front of me.greenh


I watched it while I sat there for a bit before flying off.greenheron


I sat at the Villa Grande hole for a spell and continued on down the river. This was what it looked like as I paddled along.reins


Up ahead I could see this osprey siting in some shallow water. It flew into the air as I approached, with a screech.osprey2


Eventually, I ended up here at the Rein’s beach area where there is a  turn in the river which is always real nice to sit in for a bit.rien2


I pulled over into this spot in the Moscow hole and sat and had some lunch and a good break before turning back up the river.sat


I pulled into a spot I like at the Sheridan beach and was relaxing when all of a sudden there was a big commotion coming through the brush just to the side of me and these big ol bovinosarous popped out of the bushes and hurriedly headed for the water for a drink. I thought they  might attack, but they seemed more interested in a drink. When they spotted me in my boat, they bolted and headed back into the bushes.



After the  cows left, I paddled by Sheridan Beach here and headed on up the river.sheridan


I stopped here at the Villa Grande hole and rested for a bit.villagrande


Eventually, I approached the Monte Rio area here and headed on in for the day.monterio


I had a nice paddle at Monte Rio and went on home for the day where I puttered in the yard and did mostly nothing. :O)

Nice day.

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