Headed Home Up Highway 395 and a Broken Spring Shackle

Tuesday March 10, 2020 Highway 20 off highway 80 camp

Traveling towards home

This morning I pulled out of last night’s camp up on Highway 6  into Bishop.

Crunching sound

When I turned to leave I heard a strange crunching sound from the front end and thought OH, Oh, but things were working so I kept going on to Bishop to get some gas before I ran out as I was real low on gas. If there was something wrong it couldn’t be too bad as I’d gotten this far with it so on I went.

Headed to Bishop for gas

This is highway 6 going towards Bishop from my camp.road1


I made it to Bishop with a little gas to spare and filled up my tank and posted my blog at at a McDonald’s.

Headed up 395 scenic views

After that I headed on up 395. There were some nice snowy views as I went.road2


I started to get back into some trees along the way.road3


Lots of vistas going up highway 395.road4


Near the Sonora Pass I tuned onto this dirt road to check it out and went about 4 miles up it before turning around. I think it was called Buchards Flat Road.orad5


Snow in the mountains

Going back down the road was very scenic with lots of snowy mountains.road6


Found a broken spring shackle

I stopped at the end of that road to check out the front end noise I heard this morning and found a broken front spring shackle. It had been working all the way back to this spot since from our adventure on the Mojave Road Trail so I figured it would be all right to continue on home with it broken like that.

Continuing on towards home

I continued up and around lake Tahoe and over highway 80 West to the highway 20 exit where I turned onto it.

Tonight’s camp spot

I stopped at this spot not to far from the highway 20 exit and decided it was good enough to camp here for the night, back in the big trees.camp9


Broken spring shackle

Now that I had  more time I had a look at the broken spring shackle. Yep, it’s cracked and broken all right  but the other half is still good.shackle7


The way it was broken the broken piece was stuck in a good spot so the thing didn’t come loose and was mostly still working as it should.broken8



Just before dark I took a little walk out in the field by where I was camped. The power company was assembling some big poles across the field.walk


It sprinkled a bit just before dark but didn’t amount to much and stopped shortly after it started.

I’ll stay here tonight and work my way home in the morning after a good night’s rest.

Nice day traveling up the highways.

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