Doing No Power Stuff Cause We Have No Power

Wednesday October 30, 2019 Guerneville CA.

No power

Still no power so I had to figure out what to do today that didn’t need any.

Moving cement blocks

I needed to move this broken up cement. Some I could use and some I just needed to move. I got about half of it moved.cement


Cleaning up

I worked on cleaning up the failed bulk head project I’ve been working on. Picked up a lot of metal and moved some more cement blocks just trying to clean things up a bit.

New fence up

I rolled out some fence wire and measured and cut it to size.wire


Then I rolled up the cut piece and hauled it over to this chicken pen and installed it as a fence just to divide the pen that was already there. That way I have some control and can plant stuff for the chickens in each pen but keep them out long enough for the stuff to grow.fence


Of course I did a lot of chair hopping and didn’t spend all my time working away.

Mowed down ivy

Later in the day I got the mower out to mow this ivy as chickens don’t seem to like to eat it so I’m mowing it to try and get something else growing in this spot.mower


The ivy mowed, pretty easy job but getting something else to grow there might take some work.cut


Fire report

They lifted most of the fire evacuation areas today. The fire’s still burning but mostly going the other way. I bet it takes several days for things to settle down with people coming home and needing stuff so I might as well stay home.


I lost five of my peeps to hawks this last time. Here’s the one that survived with it’s momma.peep


Bit chilly

It froze last night but I had my toasty wood stove going. Today started out crispy but soon warmed up to a real nice fall day with the sun out and the wind down.

Nice day.

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One Response to Doing No Power Stuff Cause We Have No Power

  1. DAVID EVANS says:

    It’s nice having a campfire in the living room or in my shop for my Kat…
    When the power is out, just make believe we are camping…..
    It seems to have always worked Bob?

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