Didn’t Do the Chainsaw or the Housework But the Fence Got Fixed

Saturday November 19, 2016 Guerneville CA.

A nice rain storm hit last night

It rained hard all night and it was still raining this morning, so there was no reason to get up and get it going as I only planned to do some housework today.

Was thinking of doing the housework

I finally did get it going and was thinking of doing the housework when I noticed the rain had let up, so there was a change in plans, as housework isn’t one of my favorite things to do.

But the fence project won

I went outside and had a look at the fence the big tree had fallen on last winter and knocked over. I  had cut up the tree last summer but never got around to fixing the fence up right. I just put some tree limbs against the fence to hold it up last summer. It’s mostly there to keep the deer out of my yard.

Here’s the fence with the tree limbs holding this section up as the green pipe fence post is broken off at the bottom and will need some kind of repair.fence


Lots of ivy needed to be cut

I had to trim a bunch of ivy off the fence to relieve the weight of it so I could put the support wires back up.

Rebar will do the trick

Then I thought I’d drive a steel fence post in next to the pipe, but them remembered there’s some cement down there that the post isn’t going to go through well, so I came up with this little piece of rebar steel which I just shoved into the broken piece of pipe that was in the ground in the cement. I put the pipe over that and it seemed to work ok.rebar


Finishing up as the rain started again

I was wiring up the fence as best I could when it started to rain on me so I finished up that project before I got too wet.

The fence doesn’t look like much, but it’s up and will keep the deer out and the ivy will grow back. fenceup


The chainsaw didn’t get fixed

I went in the house where it was warm and thought about what else I could accomplish today. I need to install the carb on my chain saw, which I was going to do last summer about the time my van’s engine needed replacing so I never got around to it and the carb’s been sitting on the counter here ready to install.

But I needed to look up the adjustment screw settings and the saw was  outside in the rain, so that never got done, nor did the house work.

That was my day.

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