Cutting Weeds for the Chickens

Saturday June 6, 2020 Guerneville CA.

Weed day

With all the nice days we’ve been having the weeds are growing real fast and big, even the ones I haven’t been watering.

So I got the wheelbarrow out and cut some of these wild radish plants.weed


More water to the raspberry patch

During one of the breaks I set this timer to put  more water on the raspberry patch as some of the plants are looking a bit yellow. I use a number of these type water timers as they are easy to use and just hook up to a faucet and hose and things are good to go.timer


Load of weeds

I filled up the wheelbarrow a few times for hauling.weeds


I got a good start on it before my back said that’s enough for now. At least I can walk through there now.weeded


Feed for the chickens

I hauled all the weeds over to the chicken pens and put them all inside for them to eat during the times they are locked up.weedfeed


Enjoyable day

I puttered around the yard for the rest of the day. I did get some blackberry vines cut back in the raspberry patch as they  have sharp thorns and aren’t nice to run into when picking raspberries.

That was it for another nice day puttering around the yard.

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