Another Day Burying the Water Line In the Forest

Friday February 26, 2021 Guerneville CA.

Forest work day

I wanted to get the spring water line in the trail ditch and at least partially buried today as if I wait very long the ditch will fill up with stuff and I’ll have a harder time burying the plastic pipe.

So I rode the quad up through here and on up the hill to where I was last working.grass1


Work area

I parked here and walked up the trail on the right. Things aren’t quite so steep now that there is a trail ditch to walk on.quad2


Pipe in the ditch

So the first thing I had to do was get the plastic pipe in the trail ditch. I had to take it apart where there were couplers to get it around some of the trees and into the ditch.pipe4


Burying the pipe

And then I put some dirt onto the pipe to hold it in place so I could bury it.start3


Pipe’s buried

I worked my way down the hill burying the pipe.buried6


I got about half of the pipe buried. I had about 200 feet to bury so got about a hundred feet buried so far and was pretty worn out.buried5


Done for the day

I rerouted and hooked the spring pipe into the valve system and was pretty  much done for the day as it was about 5.lines7


What it’s all about

This is what it’s all about, nice clean spring water. Yes I had a drink of it. water8


Appreciating the place

I was headed down the trail back to the quad when I decided this was a good place for a break so sat down and appreciated the place.tanks9



Back home I rode in the driveway.drive10


More work

I wanted to get the four or five more loads of mulch moved into the raspberry patch so I worked on that and got that done just about the time it was getting dark.chips11


Windy up there

Looking back up into the hills where I was working today I could see the big trees doing some real swaying in the gusty wind up there.windy


Nice day.

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